We can calibrate our pages and determine their scales in Revu, and with Revu 2019, we can apply preset scales to our pages. Our measuring tools are filled with data, and the Dynamic Fill tool helps us determine the areas and volumes of places with rounded corners.

This webinar will also demonstrate the power of Sketch To Scale tools and explain how to manage viewports with Revu.

For more information, please contact us at info@ddscad.com.

Week 1: https://ddscad.com/drawing-management-preparation-week-1-bluebeam-revu-july-webinars
Week 2: https://ddscad.com/markups-quantity-takeoffs-week-2-bluebeam-revu-july-webinars
Week 4: https://ddscad.com/signing-sealing-certifying-digital-ids-week-4-bluebeam-revu-july-webinars

Digital Drafting Systems – Measurements, Sketch to Scale Tools & Viewports – Week 3 – Bluebeam Revu July Webinars

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