October 14, 2020

Snapshots with Bluebeam Revu

Our documents have flattened data that’s useful if we could place them into our Tool Chest. We can use the Snapshot tool to capture portions of our documents and use them as markups. The Snapshot tool can be used to create a rectangle around objects. If you have a polygonal object, you can use the…

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Ariel Rejtman

October 12, 2020

Rotate & Align Tools in AutoCAD

AutoCAD’s modification tools allow us to quickly move and change objects without an excessive amount of steps. The Rotate tool has multiple uses, and the Align tool can save us a lot of time. Not only can we rotate objects around base points, but we can also rotate them based on a reference. The Align…

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Ariel Rejtman

October 12, 2020

Studio Invitation Improvements in Bluebeam Revu 20

Bluebeam Revu 20 includes many additions and improvements. Bluebeam Studio’s invitations have been improved significantly in terms of their interface and functionality. Two new tabs called “Joined” and “Not Joined” have been added. They allow us to see Projects and Sessions that we’ve already joined, alongside Projects and Sessions that we’ve been invited to and…

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Ariel Rejtman