February 12, 2020

Creating Schedule Templates with Revit

Project templates allow us to begin working immediately, and they aren’t limited to just projects: We can create schedule templates for specific objects, disciplines, and project milestones. They’re used to show pertinent information related to items and their status in a project’s lifecycle. Our template can include multiple criterion, such as dimensions, materials, preset descriptions,…

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James Cuervo

January 31, 2020

The NOMUTT Command in AutoCAD

We can not only modify AutoCAD’s interface, but we can also change each command’s visible functions and data. A subtle command called “NOMUTT” allows us to toggle between two different visibility styles when we use commands. The term “muttering” refers to certain command options that contain numerous settings, options, and parameters that can be modified…

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Ariel Rejtman

January 20, 2020

Converting Polylines to MText in AutoCAD

Instead of re-drawing an entire PDF manually, we can use a few commands to import it into AutoCAD and automatically convert its vector data into objects. Polylines, arcs, circles, and MText are recognized and created. However, some text isn’t immediately recognized and turns into multiple segments of polylines that are difficult to edit. To mitigate…

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Ariel Rejtman

January 13, 2020

Status Bar Auto Wrap & Zoom Factor Commands in AutoCAD

Commands within AutoCAD usually refine our workflows, but they can also improve our user experience and interface. Some commands are undocumented and not part of the main command list. The “Status Bar Auto Wrap” command is one example. If you’re using AutoCAD on a laptop or small display, you might notice that the status bar…

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Ariel Rejtman

December 6, 2019

Demystifying Layer States in AutoCAD

AutoCAD’s layers allow us to show certain components while hiding others. Turning them on and off can become tedious, especially when coordinating multiple disciplines and building phases. Layer States can expedite the process by controlling which viewports show specific layers. Want your new construction to be shown alongside proposed demolitions? Want only plumbing to be…

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James Cuervo

December 6, 2019

AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and FDOT Tips & Tricks – Webinar

Join us for another session with our Civil 3D Technical Specialist Seth Cohen to learn helpful Tips & Tricks that will help you improve your productivity with AutoCAD, FDOT, and Civil 3D. Learn new techniques that are certain to improve your design process, and discover Civil 3D features that will remove tedium and boost your…

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Ariel Rejtman

November 15, 2019

Creating Stair Slab Openings Using Shafts in Revit

Some buildings include multiple stories, and a staircase is required for vertical circulation. Instead of cutting through each stair slab opening manually, we can create a malleable shaft that acts as a singular object. By utilizing our extrusions and grip options, we will expedite the process; we can create a shaft that fits any shape…

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James Cuervo

November 15, 2019

Conforming Walls to Spiral Staircases with Revit

Spiral Staircases save space and enhance the elegance of a room. In some instances, we want to create a circular wall that conforms to the shape of the inner portion of the spiral staircase. This might seem simple, but common procedures result in inaccurate wall sweeps. Revit’s workplane viewer and components can be used to…

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James Cuervo

November 1, 2019

Customizing Your Ribbon & Workspace in AutoCAD

AutoCAD’s Ribbon contains tons of functions and tools, some of which we use more or less on a daily basis. We can modify our ribbon and create our own “Home” tab, omitting unused panels and included essential ones. Our user interface can be changed to accommodate company standards and employee preferences. While the customization window…

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Ariel Rejtman

October 22, 2019

Creating a Parametric Family with Revit

Revit is a complex tool that allows users to model buildings and objects. We can use simple extrusions and void forms to create unique components, but Revit offers a robust set of flexible parameters that allow us to create objects that can expand and contract. Want to make furniture that can fit any space? Want…

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Ariel Rejtman